No ask… Just thanks!

Each month, it’s my joy to send you a newsletter.  I have the beautiful job of attempting to summarize what our brilliant team has been up to in Thailand and Myanmar.  Sometimes I look for ways to communicate the needs they’re encountering and the gaps we’re trying to fill.

This month is a little different.  What I find myself most wanting to say is just...thank you.  And not just on behalf of our team, but thank you…

On behalf of a victim of trafficking who came into our emergency care several years ago. We have helped her heal and grow in remarkable ways over the last few years. In order to see her thrive longterm, we have always been preparing her for adoption. This very week she is being welcomed into a family that we recruited and equipped, whom we pray will be her forever home.

On behalf of a young woman caught in labor trafficking who spent years working in Bangkok in grueling conditions.  After suffering an accident and needing time to heal, she returned to school right as COVID hit.  Faced with setback after setback, she kept asking God for a better job, a place where she could earn a good living and be able to learn.  She’s now one of our artisans at Sojourn Studio, where your support gives her a place to earn dignified wages, learn about Jesus and make friends.  We’re watching her grow in confidence and joy every day!

On behalf of one of our artisans who has an actual, legal ID card for the first time in her life.  For the first time in her life, she can work legally in Thailand and travel freely.  Your support means this young woman can finally sleep peacefully at night knowing she’s safe and secure.

On behalf of a shy little girl who comes to our ECDP every day.   Her mom has learned all about parenting from our team...from potty-training to positive discipline.  Every day, we see this precious student more relaxed and at peace.  And every day, she’s greeted by a mom who could work with confidence that her daughter was protected that day because of your support.  

On behalf of another young women in our program.  For the sake of her dignity and privacy, I won’t share much...but thank you for allowing GCA to be a safe landing place for her for over ten years.  We stood with her as her family struggled and we’re walking with her now as she learns how to be a healthy adult, forgiving those who have hurt her and dreaming for her future.  As you stand with us, we stand with her.  

I could literally fill pages with these kinds of stories.  There are literally thousands of lives you have touched like this.  Thousands of lonely moments eased by the presence of one of our child protection specialists.  Hundreds of burdens shared by our team arriving on the scene.  Smiles scattered throughout Thailand and Myanmar because kids and families now know they matter.  

So please know this: we could not do this work without you.  Our work is not big and fancy, it’s deep and meaningful.  We count our successes like we’ve counted these stories: one by one by one.  

And it is friends like you that make it possible

So on this Giving Tuesday, can I just say thank you?  On behalf of ALL of us here at GCA.  From all of our staff, all of our Sojourn artisans and all of our clients and friends: thank you.  Thank you for your generosity towards our work.  Thank you for caring about the kids we are determined to serve.  We are deeply grateful for you!

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