Join the Miracle!
September 18, 2019
Our longtime volunteer, Adam Rogers, holding Su Su, months after she survived her time at the hospital. He is our #1 Aquaphor carrier! He’s been committed to this little girl since birth and has literally provided years of the life-saving cream for Su Su.
In 2010, GCA’s Thailand team received a crisis call from a local migrant clinic. A baby girl had been born with an extremely rare and life-threatening disease called Harlequin Ichthyosis. She had been abandoned by her parents and desperately needed an advocate.
Her tiny body was covered with plates of thick skin that cracked and split apart, making her prone to infection. The tightness of her skin pulled around her eyes and mouth, making eating and breathing extremely difficult. She needed urgent care in an advanced neonatal intensive care unit but that didn’t exist in this Thai border town. This precious, orphaned baby was given no hope of survival.
But God had a plan.
We rushed her to the general hospital where we advocated for doctors to give her a chance. Our team stayed by her side, around the clock, working to prevent infection, while she shed the outer layer that was threatening her life.
Our prayers were answered and Su Su, as she was lovingly named, was released into our care after 5 weeks. There she met Dara, her primary caregiver and an unbreakable bond began. Su Su’s condition requires hours of specialized one-on-one care everyday but Dara and her team managed it with such grace.
The curious stares at the market didn’t phase Dara either because God had filled her heart with love for this delicate little girl. When Dara and her husband wanted to move closer to her own family, she couldn’t leave Su Su behind. We continue to support their family monthly to off-set the financial burden, but Dara and Jack love and care for Su Su as their own daughter.
Su Su is thriving and remarkable at overcoming her daily obstacles. She has learned that if her skin is flaky, her friends at school won’t play with her. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she has become a PRO at exfoliation!
Baths last 3 hours a day, followed by a full coat of Aquaphor.
Aquaphor costs 2x more in Thailand, and it can be very dangerous for Su Su’s health if she runs out.
On September 26th, Su Su turns 9 so we’re asking everyone to give her one jar of Aquaphor to celebrate her big day!
$13 buys a 14 oz Jar of Aquaphor
If you’d like to send a jar, buy and ship it to:
Global Child Advocates
1450 W. HWY 290 #815
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Select Global Child Advocates as your Amazon Smile Charity while you’re there!
We know God saved Su Su for amazing things ~ Join the miracle!
Su Su with her biggest medical advocate, Kellie Kinard. Kellie has been an active part of her life since birth and was a vital part of the early intervention.