Child safety is our top priority
Every person employed by GCA must be committed to the welfare of children and recognize GCA’s zero tolerance policy for child abuse. All volunteers, staff, and visitors must adhere to GCA’s Child Safeguarding Policy. We oppose all forms of child abuse, including neglect, exploitation, physical, emotional, and sexual harm.
Report Red Flag Behaviors
Because GCA works with the most vulnerable children and families, reporting red flag behaviors is essential to GCA’s work to keep children safe. All GCA staff members are trained to know what behaviors are acceptable and what behaviors fall outside of the acceptable zone.
All red flag behaviors outside of the acceptable zone should be documented and reported so leadership can watch for trends. This enables GCA to prevent a perpetrator from grooming a child in the first place. Leaders will take every report seriously and take necessary actions.
Report Suspected Abuse
Any suspected abuse involving a child must be reported to your supervisor and documented. Leaders will take every report seriously and inform the authorities when appropriate.
Don’t dismiss these Red-Flag Behaviors exhibited by Adults:
Seeks out reasons to spend time alone with youth.
Prefers time and friendships with youth rather than adults.
Gives special gifts to youth, especially without permission.
Goes overboard with touching youth.
Frequently wrestles and tickle with youth.
Bends the rules for certain youth.
Allows youth to engage in activities their parents would not allow.
Has “favorite” youths.
Favors youth with certain physical characteristics.
Prefers to be with youth who are high-risk or vulnerable.
Treats youth as if they were adults.
Discourages other adults from participating or monitoring.
Wants to keep secrets with youths.
Ignores standard policies about interacting with youths.
Seems to think the rules do not apply to them.
Uses inappropriate language or swearing with youth.
Tells inappropriate jokes to youth.
Introduces pornography to youth.
Takes photographs of nude or partially nude youth.
Anything else outside of the defined Acceptable Zone.
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