Welcome to the Team

Whether you are visiting for 1 day, 1 week or serving for 1 year, we are excited to meet you!

Essentials Prior to Serving

Child Safeguarding Policy

Because we are a child protection organization, please read through and become familiar with GCA’s Child Safeguarding Policy, which you’ll sign at orientation.

We take child protection extremely seriously and any concern or inappropriate behavior will be addressed by members of our team or our local director.

GCA Orientation Guide

This guide will answer many of your questions about things like dress code, what to pack, and even a city map. It also shares a lot about our vision and mission.

It includes our core values, our ethos, our approach to child protection, how we work with diverse communities of faith and more. Please read prior to arrival.

Reference and Background Checks

As mentioned on our application page, all applicants will be fully screened prior to arrival. We will discreetly inform you if we are unable to accept your application based on this process. Please know that your privacy is important to us.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email us at connect@globalchildadvocates.org.